My friend, founder of Jrevolution, asked me to write a blog recently. As I started to mull over what I should write about, I realized there is so much going on out there in the world right now. So many things to read and watch, so many opinions to filter through (or be swayed by), so many controversial ideas and topics floating around, and I struggled to pinpoint anything I could add or offer to the world of media right now.
As I went back and forth with thoughts and ideas, I felt a question pop into my head “what have YOU been learning recently?” So I am going to answer that question for you. This may not be something newsworthy or with any potential to go viral, but sometimes matters of the heart are what matter most, and that is why I want to share a bit about my journey and how I've been discovering the beauty of the unknown.
My exciting new journey
My family and I are about to embark on a new and exciting journey. Some may describe it as crazy (in fact a few years ago, I most certainly would’ve) and others may not understand it, and to be honest we don’t fully either. However in the months and weeks leading up to this adventure, we have been learning the beauty of the unknown.
Let me rewind a bit and fill you in on some pieces of the puzzle. We have been in Dubai for 11 years and we love the people, our church, and the food in this city! My husband and I met here, got married, have two kids now, so basically our entire story together has been written here. Over the last couple of years we have had the sense that our time is coming to an end here but not fully knowing the where, the when or the how of the next step. I’d like to briefly take you through a few of the life lessons I have been learning over the last little while.
Expect the unexpected
Over the last 8 months or so, we have been asking some big questions of God.. where, how, when etc. He however has been shaping me in ways that I never expected. In my quiet times that I spend reading, praying and worshiping Him, He’s really been highlighting to me His love and His character. Things that I knew before, but that I clearly needed a better understanding of. He has also been holding a mirror to me and I’ve become aware of areas in my life, my heart and my mind that I need to change. It’s been a painful, yet releasing process as I’ve learnt to let go of things and hold tighter to Him! So as we’ve prepared to take this step of faith into the unknown, it’s become so much more apparent that the answers I need are not ‘where are we going?’ or ‘how will it all work out?’… but rather knowing Who is with me, and how much He loves me. In knowing those two things at a deeper level the need to know the rest fades. J.I Packer, in his book Knowing God says “He is always with me and His eye is always upon me. Living becomes an awesome business when you realise that you spend every moment of your life in the sight and company of an omniscient and omnipresent Creator.”
The thing about God is, He’s perfect.
I recently read a 10-day devotional about trusting God, and it said “The strength of your faith (in anything) is directly related to the trustworthiness of the object of your faith”. So if our faith is in God…. we need to believe that He is wholly trustworthy, or our faith will be compromised.
The trustworthiness of someone is proven over time by their character and actions, just like in any relationship or friendship. And with God, He is completely unlike anyone else, because His character is perfect. In 1 John 1:5 it says “God is light, in Him there is no darkness” . No blemish, no faults, no lack. Perfect in every way. So I've needed to ask myself, do I fully trust Him in every way, and if not, why? He has perfect love, is perfectly good, wise, holy, faithful, righteous, just, has perfect peace and power. The thing about our need to be in control and know the answers, to come up with various plans and decide which is best, puts us in a position that is meant for God. If you’ve decided to follow Jesus and live for Him, then it’s His job to steer. And your job to trust. The famous king of the Bible, David, says this in 2 Samuel 22: :For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.”
The less we know, the more freedom we experience.
You know the saying ‘less is more’?! This was a term originally adopted by an architect in 1947. It often refers to minimalism of sorts, leading to higher quality. A realization that I’ve come to, is that the less I know, the more free I feel. I would not have said this a few months ago though! Part of what God has been teaching me is that when I’ve got answers to my practical questions, the more I can control, plan, decide, stress, worry, question, doubt and fear. However, in giving the reins over, I’ve not only experienced inexplicable peace, I’ve also realized that when I don’t know, I can’t plan! And while this may be quite stressful sometimes, it has been the most freeing realization. Because coupled with trusting my perfect God, and surrendering all to Him completely relinquishes me of responsibility! When a child is young, they believe with awe in their father’s ability to do anything! They trust their dads to catch them at any moment, to protect them, to know all the answers and basically believe they are a superhero!
Unfortunately for fathers as their kids grow up and mature, this belief wanes and probably becomes more realistic, they don’t believe in the ‘super’ side of their fathers as much. However kingdom son-ship is the opposite. As we get to know our heavenly Father more, as we mature in our walk with God, we become more and more dependent and reliant on Him. We see and experience His omnipotence more than ever before. I am beginning to enjoy the childlike freedom of trust in a Father who is truly amazing in every way. He has completely got this, and got us.
We know what lies ahead is going to be exciting, adventurous, full of grace and so much more growing, we can’t wait. So as we carry on walking this road, we know we don’t walk alone, and we know that any obstacle, hurdle or hazard we come across, there is One capable of wonders that will see us through them and that's the beauty of the unknown. In the book of Psalms 34:8, it says “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” The beauty of the unknown lies in the fact that the One who knows all is paving our path and guiding us along.
Jrevolution, is a nonprofit organization working with people of all walks of life to find fulfillment & purpose within their lives by giving them the tools they need to live a purpose driven life of impact. Many people live their day to day lives searching for purpose and meaning, but no matter how many different methods they use to find this, they never seem to obtain it. You may be in need of a new beginning. Watch Neogenesis series on our website ( or view on our YouTube Channel